I’m Michael Forlenza. I was born in Clara Maass Hospital and raised in Nutley, NJ.
I graduated from Nutley High School and the National Education Center, RETS Campus in Nutley.
I’m a frontend web designer and an avid reader, love being creative, design and have an instinct about good ideas. Here’s my resume.
Somewhere in my late 20s, I called myself an engineer because I like to figure it out how things work and understanding the problems of human behavior by reading and watching from knowledgeable persons.
My interests are basketball, 9-ball pool, and weightlifting and also love to read and make websites.
The first computer I had was Gateway Desktop of Windows 98 in 1998. After the first computer about more or less than one year, I’m interested in how the web pages and internet works do. So I bought a book about basic “Learn HTML in a Weekend” at Barnes & Noble in Clifton NJ. And the rest I have learned by googling from the internet.